The shocking suicides this past week of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade highlight the increasing crisis surrounding mental health, the lack of resources to address it, and the stigma and isolation that come with it. This doesn’t just impact suicide rates, it plays out in other areas such the most recent High School shooting, this time in Texas.
I flipped a Eskmo sample from 13 Reasons Why and made a track with my homie Kosha Dillz that highlights Dillz’ struggle with anxiety, depression, and addiction.
The chorus of ’13 Reasons To Live’ is accompanied by London based singer Melinda Ortner, who herself struggles with the desire to live. “Sometimes when I turn the lights off, I go to sleep, I don’t wanna wake up, Life’s a F#$Ked up relationship and we can’t break up… just you and me and guess what I got no place to go, its your fault I want you to know, maybe one day you’ll wake up.”
Stream the track;
Watch the lyric video;